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Each clips below relates to local efforts to protect vital resources and sustain unique New Mexian quality of life in the face of potential oil and gas drilling on public and private lands.


Rio Arriba County

Rio Arriba County - The County formally protests to the Oil Conservation Division on behalf of local landowners upset with the placement of drilling sites in waterways, near ancient acequias, and within several feet of arroyos and rivers. Hearing outcomes are summarized. Retrial estimated in December, 2008. 28 minutes.



Santa Fe County - The Galisteo Basin

The County Board of Commisioners vote on the 12 month moratorium on drilling in the Galisteo Basin. 7 minutes.


Santa Fe County - The Galisteo Basin

Part 1 of 3 of Twetti Blancett's presentation to concerned citizens in the Galisteo Basin about her experience with oil and gas drilling on their ranch in Aztec, NM.




Mora County

Citizens of Mora County meet and publicly discuss for the first time the potential of oil and gas drilling in their rural, agriculture, and culturually rich county. 56 minutes.









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